Thursday, August 1, 2013

Is Your Representative Representing YOU?

When the Amash amendment to defund unconstitutional activity in the NSA came up in the House of Representatives, I was disappointed to learn that my representative, Luke Messer, voted against it.  I took this as a direct vote against the Constitution, and so, a direct violation of his Oath of Office.  And I informed him as such.  But that got me thinking: If he would willfully violate his Oath in this circumstance, where else might I find unsavory activity?  So I did some digging.

The websites I used for my research were The U.S. House of Representatives Roll Call Votes and Luke Messer on the Issues (can search a different candidate), among others.  Here is what I found:
  • 2011-2012 campaign funds: - a total of $745,068 personally contributed, or nearly 75% of his total campaign fund.  This alone demonstrates that Mr. Messer is not just another rank-and-file citizen, and further demonstrates the fact that our government is no longer "Of the People."
  • 3/6/2013: Messer voted "Yea" on H.R. 933, which included a provision that has come to be known as the "Monsanto Protection Act."  This act has shielded the GMO-giant Monsanto from any legal action that would prevent them from producing and distributing their genetically modified foods, even if it is found that these "foods" cause harm to humans.
  • 4/12/2013: On unanimous consent (Including Messer): S.716 (introduced by harry Reid) was passed.  This legislation removed the barriers to insider trading in Congress, which places all elected representatives above the law in terms of making a profit from the stock market.  They can now freely trade on insider information, and as such, their stock portfolios tend to outperform any in the private sector.
  • 7/25/2013: Vote results for Amash Amendment to defund NSA wholesale violation of 4th Amendment:  Messer voted against this amendment.  This demonstrates a clear lack of reverence for his Oath of Office, in which he swore to protect, defend, and preserve the Constitution of the United States of America.  Meanwhile, Mr. Messer says he supports protecting the Constitution (  Which is it, sir?  You cannot have it both ways, and your actions thus far have spoken louder than your words.
  • Once again ignoring our Fourth Amendment rights, Luke voted YES on CISPA (
  • Mr. Messer opposes same-sex marriage as well as pro-choice policies.  As for me, I would not personally choose to get married to a man, nor would I push a woman to get an abortion in the case of an unwanted pregnancy.  In the pregnancy case, I would suggest she give the child up for adoption.  However, it’s none of my business how someone else chooses to live their life – it is not fair of me to deprive another of their right to live as they choose.  For this reason, I am both pro-choice (before the first trimester is over) and pro-same sex marriage.
  • As a positive note, Mr. Messer supports gun owners (  While it is great that he supports at least some parts of the Constitution, his Oath does not permit him to choose not to abide by the Fourth Amendment.  His Oath omitted the words “The parts of the Constitution which I deem relevant.”
  • He has no declared stance on Social Security, which is an issue of National importance.  As for me: I know SS is completely bankrupt, and it’s because our leaders borrowed every single penny from the Trust Fund that was supposed to last until 2036.  The program is broken and is further bankrupting our country.  This must be addressed, and a neutral stance on the issue is not productive.
  • What about his opinion on free trade?  On this, he is also undeclared.  Free trade has led to the mass exportation of jobs from the U.S. overseas, which has been one of the leading causes of the decline of our country.  We must eliminate Free Trade Agreements and once again institute tariffs on imports; this would both incentivize the USA to produce more than it consumes as well as provide an additional revenue stream to fund government.
  • Messer is neutral on maintaining US sovereignty from the United Nations.  This is directly contradictory to Messer’s stance on guns when you consider the U.N. small arms treaty.  While he was with the unanimous vote against funding for this treaty, he needs to take an official stance on U.S. sovereignty from the U.N.
  • Messer seems to support expansion of the Military Industrial Complex.  He supports this expansion under the name of “giving the military what they need to keep America safe.”  The US military spending dwarfs all other countries’ spending combined.  To keep the U.S. safe, we would only need to bring all our troops home and deploy them to defend our own borders.  We need to get out of undeclared illegal wars in countries where we have no business.
  • Messer has not publicly taken a stance on staying out of Iran.  He needs to do this: Remaining complicit in the U.S. involvement in Syria will allow us to be led into World War 3.  Mr. Messer – where do you stand?
  • On green energy: While it’s true we should continue to use coal and domestic oil, it is folly not to at least look into alternative energies.  On the surface, Luke seems to completely oppose looking into green energy.
  • 8/2/2013: It is agreed that Congress will have 75% of the cost of their Obamacare covered by the federal government.  In other words, We the Taxpayers (including businesses) get to cover the increased cost for Congress in addition to the 72% increased cost to ourselves.  This does not seem like equal application of the law, and I am curious to get Mr. Messer's feelings on the matter.
This is what I found about my representative.  He looks great on the surface, but underneath it, I do not feel he has my best interests at heart, nor can he really connect with his constituents on a personal or financial level.  As such, until he changes his stances or publicly declares stances on the above issues, I would not vote for him.

So what can you find out about your representative?

A Message To My Senators Regarding Egyptian Aid

Dear Senator Coats/Donnelly,

I was very disappointed to learn that you voted to table the Rand Paul amendment that would have stopped the U.S. from sending aid to the Egyptian military.  It is United States Law that we do not send aid to a government that has been removed via military coup, and this is exactly what has happened in Egypt.  The military is still as involved as ever in the process to elect new leadership, and the leadership that is installed will have been heavily influenced by them, just like the last time.  Hence: This was not an overthrow by the People of Egypt, but rather the military stepping in before they completely lost control of the situation.

America has no place in the dealings of Egypt's government: They should be left to live by the system and leaders the People of their nation so choose.  Continuing to send aid to the military further bolsters their ability to control the situation and install the leadership desired, not by the people, but by the military.  I sincerely hope you will reconsider your position on America's place in foreign affairs in the future.


Jordan Suwinski

On the Edge of World War 3

While the propaganda machine churns out nothing but George Zimmermans, Royal Babies, and desperate cries for attention by Miley Cyrus, there has been a dark and terrible storm brewing.  It is intertwined with the approaching currency collapse.  The only brief whispers that have gotten through have mentioned Syrian rebels rising up against an oppressive dictator, and more recently Obama promising retribution on incomplete information that appears to be based on lies..  "Seems like pretty standard stuff," the average American might say.  "Other countries pretty much suck.  Now how about some more Justice for Trayvon?! 'Murica!"

While many cry out "Skittles!!!" they fail to realize that we are rapidly approaching World War 3.  Unless we stand up and do something, history will remember Syria as Ground Zero, and the American people will not be remembered at all.  "Why?" is the next logical question.  It all comes down to one thing: The Petrodollar.  "Petrodollar" is a term used to describe an oil-backed dollar.  In recent history (since World War 2), the U.S. offered all the major oil producing countries military protection of their oil fields if they would agree to sell oil in nothing but dollars.   It is the Petrodollar that has allowed America to grow so lavishly rich and live so far beyond her means for so long.  It is the Petrodollar which caused the 2003 invasion of Iraq.  It is the Petrodollar that has Obama's attention locked in on escalating aggression in Syria.  And it is the Petrodollar that keeps the Federal Reserve Note plugged into life support, a plug which Iraq once tried to pull and Iran is now tugging on.

The brutality of the man behind the curtain knows no bounds.  You may recall Operation Desert Storm, one of the many illegal wars since World War 2, from 1990.  The United States led a war against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait.  Incidentally, Iraq's invasion of Kuwait was green-lit by Bush Sr. one week before Saddam made his move.  After crushing Iraq, the U.S. imposed sanctions so severe, Iraq was not able to rebuild or adequately feed its population.  These sanctions went on from the end of the Bush Sr. era through the entire Clinton administration (all the way until about 2003).  During those years, it is estimated that more than 500,000 Iraqi children died as a result of the sanctions.  In an interview on 60 minutes, then-Secretary of State Madeline Albright was asked: "We have heard that half a million children have died.  I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima.  And, you know, is the price worth it?"  To this, Mrs. Albright responded: "It's a tough choice to make, but the price, we think, is worth it."  The lives of 500,000 children are "worth it?"  For what?  For teaching the country's leadership a lesson?  This is a horrifying statement and appalling position, but at the very least, Operation Desert Storm had a credible motive.

Fast forward to October of 2000.  Iraq made the decision to stop selling their oil in dollars, and switched to only dealing in Euros for the black gold.  Iraq hosts the largest oil deposit in the world, and this action was a direct threat to the Petrodollar.  Immediately, the U.S. propaganda machine spun up and began pushing the narrative of Iraq possessing and preparing to use weapons of mass destruction (which were never found or proven to have ever existed).  Barely a year later, on September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center was attacked, apparently by Al Qaeda extremists out of Iraq, and 3,000 Americans were killed.  If you still believe the official story, please watch this film and do any additional research you need to accept the truth of what happened that day.  The WMD and 9/11 false narratives were used as reasons to invade Iraq in 2003.  Since the beginning of the war in Iraq, it is estimated that over one million Iraqi citizens have been killed as a result of the conflict, and more are killed every day.  Immediately upon taking control of the country, oil sales were quietly switch back into dollars.  From a business perspective, this switch made no sense: It caused an instant 15% loss of profit due to the value of the dollar against the euro.  But it re-solidified the Petrodollar standard.

Fast forward to today.  The stories in the news briefly - and I mean briefly - mention a "rebel" uprising in Syria attempting to overthrow their dictatorial leader.  What the news fails to mention is that 70% of Syria's population actually supports Assad, a claim that makes the United States government green with envy.  Despite this - and despite public facts showing the "rebels" in Syria are actually led by our supposed sworn enemy, Al Qaeda - President Obama is doing everything he can to send military support to the "rebels" to aid in their conquest.  He is doing this to opposition from both parties in the Senate and with full knowledge that he is attempting to arm Al Qaeda terrorists.

But why would Obama do this?  For over a year, Iran (which has the world's 3rd largest oil reserve) has been working towards trading oil in currencies other than the dollar.  When they do this, other countries are likely to follow suit, and the Petrodollar will cease to exist.  The Petrodollar is all that keeps the Federal Reserve Note's status as the world Reserve Currency.  Another important piece of information the news conveniently forgets is that Russia, China, and - surprise - Iran are in a mutual defense agreement with Syria, and any attack on Syria is met with aid from these nations.  Again, Obama is arming Syria's attackers and even considering directly mobilizing U.S. troops against Assad.  Outwardly, there is absolutely no reason for America to get involved in the Syrian conflict.  It will not benefit us in any way Obama would admit to.  One inescapable conclusion can be drawn from these facts: Obama is attempting to draw Iran into a war to give America an excuse to invade and seize control of the region's oil production.  China and Russia are not blind to this.  They know that if America takes control of Iran's oil, they will never be able to escape the (now toxic) dollar.  If Obama continues down this path, it will mean the start of World War 3.  It is almost an absolute certainty that this war will go nuclear.

But why?  Nobody in his own country seems to want this, and Obama's tenure as the "leader of the Free World" is limited, so what does he have to gain?  In short: Obama has nothing to gain.  But his puppet masters have everything to lose.

We have now come full-circle: The man behind the curtain.  The man who stands to lose the most power - the unrestricted ability to create money out of nothing - when the dollar goes under.  The man who pressed our leaders to trick our allies into giving us an excuse to invade their country.  The man who sponsored a false-flag operation that killed 3,000 Americans to justify a war that has killed a million more. The man who will start World War 3 and take as many lives as is necessary to retain his power.  The true owner of the United States of America: The owners of the Federal Reserve Bank.

They will not stop.  They will take this as far as we allow them to.  Start fighting back.  The odds don't matter anymore.

Related Videos:
-The Road to World War 3
-Revolution: An Instruction Manual

Monday, July 29, 2013


Author's Note:

My views have evolved since I wrote this.  I'm going to leave the original article, but it no longer fully reflects my perception.  Now, it is clear to me that this is a private property issue.  Human beings should never be restricted from moving freely across this leafy space ship.  Develop some land.  Make it yours.  And then you set the rules about who you want using what you have built.  Who you want building alongside you.  That choice was yours once before, and it should be yours once again.

Immigration is a wonderful thing.  Freeloading on the work of others is not.

America has many problems on her hands, but certainly one of the most pressing is illegal immigration.  While the laws we have on the books would handle the situation about as well as it could be handled, those laws are not being enforced.  Border patrol agents are being threatened by Homeland Security with their jobs for attempting to stop illegal immigration.  The Department of Justice is coming down on states like Texas for trying to keep illegal residents from voting, which is already against the law.  Here's the problem: Doing nothing about the state of illegal immigration is granting de facto amnesty to illegal immigrants.  Ironically, securing our borders is one of the very few powers enumerated to our government by the Constitution, and they have failed miserably in this charge.

Obama wants to pass a new immigration reform bill that would legalize 11 million people who are here illegally.  Doing so would send a clear message to the world: If you break U.S. laws, you will be rewarded.  If you follow U.S. laws, you will be punished.  The system already implement enforces illegal activity with free food, free housing, free healthcare, free education, and a free cell phone.  At the same time, it punishes law-abiding hard work with excessive taxes, fees, and regulations.  Legalizing 11 million immigrants would be a demoralizing slap in the face to those who wait as long as 25 years to enter America legally.

Lets look at the current situation.  To put it into analogy: An intruder breaks into your house.  You find them in your house, and you demand they leave.  "But," they reason, "I've cleaned your floors, scrubbed your toilets, and made your bed!  I deserve to stay here!  I'm a good, honest person...except for when I broke into your house."  You go to your local government to try and get them to evict your new resident, but they reason the same: "They've made your bed, cleaned your floors, folded your laundry, and scrubbed your toilet.  They have a basic human right to stay in your home.  After all, they're a good and honest person...except for when they broke into your house."  But paying for their housing is not all you have to do.  "It's only fair," your government says, "that you also pay for their food, education, healthcare, and ability to communicate with others.  After all, those are basic human rights."  So now, by mandate of your authorities, you are paying for the housing, food, education, clothing, healthcare, and cell phone of someone who contributes only a fraction of the costs of their upkeep.  But this is only right - after all, they're good, honest people, except for...well, you know.

America cannot keep this up.  As a nation, we are bankrupt.  We have a growing national debt that will never be repaid.  Cities across the country are declaring bankruptcy.  Poverty is exploding.  We cannot even afford to pay for our troops to eat properly.  The very last thing we should be doing is rewarding illegal activity, especially when it is to our own detriment. The presence of tens of millions of illegal immigrants drives wages down for existing American citizens.  We are finding it impossible to employ even the people who already live here.  So far, the costs of providing a side "path to citizenship" come to $3.8 trillion, and that number is only going to grow.  The only course of action that makes sense for America is to properly secure her borders and enforce the laws already in existence.  Once we do this, we can start looking into simplifying the current immigration process.

The bottom line is this: Absolutely no amnesty.  Period.

Author's Note: This article assumes the USA continues to exist in its current state.

The "Dangerous" Libertarian

Last week, people in positions of power reached a whole new level of hostility against the American People.  Obama's "phony scandals" line aside, Governor Chris Christie was interviewed saying "This strain of libertarianism that's going through the parties right now and making big headlines I think is a very dangerous thought."  Translation: "Individual Liberty is dangerous."  Mr. Christie has openly declared war on the idea of individual freedom.  He fully believes it is best for We the People to give up our freedoms so that our government can keep us safe.

As is typical of his ilk, Governor Christie uses knee-jerk emotional reaction to justify his views.  He believes We the People are too scared to look the families of the victims of 9/11 in the eyes and tell them our Constitutionally guaranteed rights should be enforced.  Christie: "These esoteric, intellectual debates - I want them to come to New Jersey and sit down across from the widows and the orphans and have that conversation.  And they won't, because that's a much tougher conversation to have."  I call his bluff.  Given the opportunity, I would gladly sit down with anyone who was affected by 9/11 and explain to them exactly why their rights are more important than the "safety" offered by our government.  To quote Senator Rand Paul: "Christie worries about the dangers of freedom.  I worry about the dangers of losing that freedom.  Spying without warrants is unconstitutional."

As a side-note: Rand Paul is not quite the white-knight most Liberty-minded individuals believe he is.  In order to win votes, he is against ending the War on Drugs.  He is also not against drone strikes on a U.S. citizen, even within U.S. borders.  However, on most issues, Rand Paul's position is the right one.  Unfortunately, when it comes to Liberty, picking and choosing the issues to stand up for in order to win the popular vote makes you no better than Barack Obama.

Christie went on to praise Obama for continuing the policies of the Bush administration with regard to the war on terror.  "President Obama has done nothing to change the policies of the Bush administration in the war on terrorism.  And I mean practically nothing.  And you know why?  Cause they work."  Maybe this helps to explain why the website that spells out Obama's 2008 campaign promises, such as increased protections for whistleblowers, has been removed.  Obama's handlers don't want you to be able to easily view the string of broken promises he made.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again now: Question everything, particularly the motives behind what people tell you.  What motivates a Libertarian?  What does the Libertarian ideology want for you?  Freedom.  Libertarians want you to have the freedom to do as you please, as long as you don't hurt anybody else.  The only thing a Libertarian does not want you to do is try to take away their freedoms.  What motivates Governor Chris Christie and other Obama supporters?  What do they want from you?  Unquestioning obedience.  They want you to surrender all your freedoms to the government so they can "keep you safe."  The only "dangerous thought" here is that We the People are incapable of seeing to our own safety; that we need to government to handle it for us.  This is the line of thought that will lead to the continued enslavement of our nation.  It is this line of thought that must be brought to an end.

Fear nothing.  Question everything.  Stand up for your rights.

The true dichotomy of today is not Democrat vs Republican.  It is Liberty vs Tyranny.  Truth vs Propaganda.  Freedom vs Slavery.  The sooner we realize this, the sooner We the People can take the fight to our true enemy.

Complacency is Consent

*Author's Note: My views on "begging for mercy" from my "masters" have changed significantly since this article was written.  I will either be updating it or removing it.  Begging for mercy at the hands of a serial killer is not effective, and really only gives said killer what they want.  Do something meaningful: Stop funding mass murder.  The premise remains, however: If you continue to fund mass murder, you are a part of the problem.

Throughout this blog, one major objective has been to get you to stand up and ask questions.  Still, many people sit by and think "Oh, somebody else will handle that for me."  Multitudes feel that if an issue is big enough to complain about, everyone else will do the complaining on their behalf.  Unfortunately, this is the attitude almost everyone seems to take.  As I've mentioned before, the most destructive deception that has been accepted by the masses is that "your one voice does not matter."  I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Yours is the only voice that matters.  If you do not make yourself heard, nothing will ever change.

That's the most important reason to make your voice heard: You can effect real change.  But lets say you just don't care about changing the world.  You're perfectly happy with how things are, and don't want to take the 5 minutes to write or call your representatives in government.  You couldn't be bothered to talk to your friends and family about what's really going on.  Unfortunately, this is another commonly adopted stance.  There has been an ongoing apathy apocalypse in the hearts and minds of people.  Thankfully, this apocalypse is coming to an end, but many are still as apathetic as ever.

Take a look at the poem to the right.  It was written about Nazi Germany and the extermination of 11 million Jews.  Read the words through a few times.  I have an alternative poem for you:

First, they came for the Tea Partiers,
and I did not speak out: I'm not a Tea Partier and I don't do politics.
Then they came for the Christians,
and I did not speak out: I'm not a Christian and I don't do politics.
Then they came for the Gun Owners,
and I did not speak out: I don't own a gun and I don't do politics.
Then they came for the Businessmen,
and I did not speak out: I'm not a Businessman and I don't do politics.
Then they came for the Home Schoolers,
and I did not speak out: I don't home school and I don't do politics.
Then they came for the journalists,
and I did not speak out: I'm not a journalist and I don't do politics.
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak.

Your government views your silence as consent.  History, too, will view your silence as consent.  If you allow your government to commit atrocities in your name without standing up and saying something, you are just as responsible as they are for any damage they cause.  The future of our entire nation depends on you.  Make your voice heard.