Monday, July 29, 2013

Complacency is Consent

*Author's Note: My views on "begging for mercy" from my "masters" have changed significantly since this article was written.  I will either be updating it or removing it.  Begging for mercy at the hands of a serial killer is not effective, and really only gives said killer what they want.  Do something meaningful: Stop funding mass murder.  The premise remains, however: If you continue to fund mass murder, you are a part of the problem.

Throughout this blog, one major objective has been to get you to stand up and ask questions.  Still, many people sit by and think "Oh, somebody else will handle that for me."  Multitudes feel that if an issue is big enough to complain about, everyone else will do the complaining on their behalf.  Unfortunately, this is the attitude almost everyone seems to take.  As I've mentioned before, the most destructive deception that has been accepted by the masses is that "your one voice does not matter."  I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Yours is the only voice that matters.  If you do not make yourself heard, nothing will ever change.

That's the most important reason to make your voice heard: You can effect real change.  But lets say you just don't care about changing the world.  You're perfectly happy with how things are, and don't want to take the 5 minutes to write or call your representatives in government.  You couldn't be bothered to talk to your friends and family about what's really going on.  Unfortunately, this is another commonly adopted stance.  There has been an ongoing apathy apocalypse in the hearts and minds of people.  Thankfully, this apocalypse is coming to an end, but many are still as apathetic as ever.

Take a look at the poem to the right.  It was written about Nazi Germany and the extermination of 11 million Jews.  Read the words through a few times.  I have an alternative poem for you:

First, they came for the Tea Partiers,
and I did not speak out: I'm not a Tea Partier and I don't do politics.
Then they came for the Christians,
and I did not speak out: I'm not a Christian and I don't do politics.
Then they came for the Gun Owners,
and I did not speak out: I don't own a gun and I don't do politics.
Then they came for the Businessmen,
and I did not speak out: I'm not a Businessman and I don't do politics.
Then they came for the Home Schoolers,
and I did not speak out: I don't home school and I don't do politics.
Then they came for the journalists,
and I did not speak out: I'm not a journalist and I don't do politics.
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak.

Your government views your silence as consent.  History, too, will view your silence as consent.  If you allow your government to commit atrocities in your name without standing up and saying something, you are just as responsible as they are for any damage they cause.  The future of our entire nation depends on you.  Make your voice heard.

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