Monday, July 29, 2013

The "Dangerous" Libertarian

Last week, people in positions of power reached a whole new level of hostility against the American People.  Obama's "phony scandals" line aside, Governor Chris Christie was interviewed saying "This strain of libertarianism that's going through the parties right now and making big headlines I think is a very dangerous thought."  Translation: "Individual Liberty is dangerous."  Mr. Christie has openly declared war on the idea of individual freedom.  He fully believes it is best for We the People to give up our freedoms so that our government can keep us safe.

As is typical of his ilk, Governor Christie uses knee-jerk emotional reaction to justify his views.  He believes We the People are too scared to look the families of the victims of 9/11 in the eyes and tell them our Constitutionally guaranteed rights should be enforced.  Christie: "These esoteric, intellectual debates - I want them to come to New Jersey and sit down across from the widows and the orphans and have that conversation.  And they won't, because that's a much tougher conversation to have."  I call his bluff.  Given the opportunity, I would gladly sit down with anyone who was affected by 9/11 and explain to them exactly why their rights are more important than the "safety" offered by our government.  To quote Senator Rand Paul: "Christie worries about the dangers of freedom.  I worry about the dangers of losing that freedom.  Spying without warrants is unconstitutional."

As a side-note: Rand Paul is not quite the white-knight most Liberty-minded individuals believe he is.  In order to win votes, he is against ending the War on Drugs.  He is also not against drone strikes on a U.S. citizen, even within U.S. borders.  However, on most issues, Rand Paul's position is the right one.  Unfortunately, when it comes to Liberty, picking and choosing the issues to stand up for in order to win the popular vote makes you no better than Barack Obama.

Christie went on to praise Obama for continuing the policies of the Bush administration with regard to the war on terror.  "President Obama has done nothing to change the policies of the Bush administration in the war on terrorism.  And I mean practically nothing.  And you know why?  Cause they work."  Maybe this helps to explain why the website that spells out Obama's 2008 campaign promises, such as increased protections for whistleblowers, has been removed.  Obama's handlers don't want you to be able to easily view the string of broken promises he made.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again now: Question everything, particularly the motives behind what people tell you.  What motivates a Libertarian?  What does the Libertarian ideology want for you?  Freedom.  Libertarians want you to have the freedom to do as you please, as long as you don't hurt anybody else.  The only thing a Libertarian does not want you to do is try to take away their freedoms.  What motivates Governor Chris Christie and other Obama supporters?  What do they want from you?  Unquestioning obedience.  They want you to surrender all your freedoms to the government so they can "keep you safe."  The only "dangerous thought" here is that We the People are incapable of seeing to our own safety; that we need to government to handle it for us.  This is the line of thought that will lead to the continued enslavement of our nation.  It is this line of thought that must be brought to an end.

Fear nothing.  Question everything.  Stand up for your rights.

The true dichotomy of today is not Democrat vs Republican.  It is Liberty vs Tyranny.  Truth vs Propaganda.  Freedom vs Slavery.  The sooner we realize this, the sooner We the People can take the fight to our true enemy.

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