Friday, July 12, 2013

We the People.....

It has become blatantly obvious America has lost its way.  Our government is no longer a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. It is sad to see our leaders have turned into a group of bought individuals who answer to their corporate sponsors rather than WE THE PEOPLE.  Every Man, Woman and Child who is an American Citizen represent WE THE PEOPLE.
When the citizens of this country come to realize there are more important things than political parties, race, gender, sexual orientation, social standing or religion is when we can all come together and really make a change.  Don't misunderstand me: All of these things are important to who we are as individuals.  However until we can all see each other as equal human beings, these differences will be used as weapons against us to keep us divided and at odds with one another.
This has been the case for centuries and was seen during the Women’s Suffrage Movement, the Civil Rights Movement and currently the Gay Rights Movement.  As people came together and realized that women were people to and that black people had rights as well, these injustices were corrected.  I strongly believe that the same thing will happen with the Gay Rights Movement; once people get past the differences between them and realize all people deserve the same rights as human beings, this injustice will also be corrected.
Today the World is coming together in the fight against Monsanto.  Nations that have NOTHING in common are banding together as humans of this world who want to protect the sanctity of HUMAN life. Nothing is more powerful than the will of the people who band together despite their differences.  If we all keep letting these differences keep us from banding together as a nation of Americans, our country will be lost.

"Divide and rule, the politician cries; unite and lead, is watchword of the wise."
 - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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