Friday, July 12, 2013

Your Perception is the Inception of a Mass Media Deception

Have you ever heard the term "Mind control?"  If so, you probably just think it's some fancy Sci-Fi term that couldn't actually happen in real life.  After all, minds are far too complex to control, right?  Well, if you're among the hundreds of millions who are plugged into the mainstream (or as Mark Dice likes to call it, urine stream) media, I have some unfortunate news for you: You have been the subject of a mass mind control experiment.

If you're reading this, I like to think you're one of the rare people who don't just swallow what is spoon fed to you without a single question.  Unfortunately, the vast majority of people are too lazy to do any research of their own.  They simply accept what they are given as fact, or (based on their conditioning) outright dismiss it as fantasy.  They don't even realize they're being completely controlled. If anyone tries to tell them differently, their zombie-like brain automatically labels that person an enemy with no credibility, to be immediately dismissed and ridiculed.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain an idea without accepting it." -Aristotle

Let me give you a few examples of media manipulation of the masses:

  • Twenty-seven years ago, Paula Dean uses the forbidden "N-Word" on her show.  Today, she is crucified by the media and her own producers for this.  Meanwhile, Obama attended a white-hating church that blatantly preached hatred of white people for 20 years before being elected.  This receives no media attention.
  • On June 20 of this year, 40 tons of genetically modified sugar beets are destroyed in Oregon .  This is arguably one of the most important events in recent American history, and there is a total media blackout in the mainstream.  On a side note, there has been an uprising of awareness and rejection of GMO foods, but that is a whole other article.
  • The Zimmerman murder trial.  I'm sure you know the details about this because the urine stream has been blasting it everywhere.  It has been made into something it is not: A racial issue.  If the outcome had been opposite, and Zimmerman had ended up the victim, this would never have been touched by the mainstream.  There are countless cases of black-on-(insert race here) stories, but those are not deemed newsworthy by the mainstream.  Any time you have (insert race here)-on-black violence (except black-on-black, of course), it's suddenly an explosively huge issue of unprecedented racial importance.
  • Benghazi, Libya: Our embassy is attacked.  Our troops and ambassador cry out for help.  Help is not sent, and 4 Americans die.  We the People are outright lied to about the reasons behind the event and the responses to it.  This case, along with the IRS's targeting of conservative groups, DOJ's seizure of media phone records, and NSA's gross destruction of every American's 4th Amendment rights, are of tantamount importance to you.  They show exactly what your government thinks of you and how they treat you.  These stories were too big for the mainstream to ignore without losing all credibility.  These stories should be the headlines until we see resolution.  But they're already fading or are faded into the background.

There are countless more, but I don't want to write a novel.  The bottom line is this: The world that is put forth by the mainstream is a lie.  It's control, pure and simple.  A system that is designed to turn a human being into nothing more than a piece of meat that perpetuates that system through their blind consumption.  We spend money we don't have on things we don't need to impress people we don't know, and it's all because of what the television shows us.

Mind you, none of this is by accident.  "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the US public believes is false." -William J. Casey, CIA agent, 1981.

It's time.  Time to unplug from Kim Kardashian and MSNBC.  Time to pick up a book and do some research on your own.  Time to stop being afraid.  Time to start asking questions.  Time to stand up for your rights.  It's up to us.

"If you don't live for something, you'll die for nothing." -Unknown


  1. Hi Jordon and Kimberly, Ok now here is what I think. You need to give people a little more information on what your causes are. I kind of get the GMO thing but other people have no idea what it is or what affects it may have on humans or future food production. I know you reference a lot of different sites and quotes but that doesn't necessarily gain you an audience. We need quick explanations to peak our interest (telling both sides can help you gain credibility). Don't just say we need to wake up, give us some better reasons other than that we are asleep. Give us information on how we can participate, who could we write to so as to help get change, who is in bed with who, who is responsible. Maybe some of the people responsible are really ignorant and they have been duped. What does a congressman who supports GMO's think his grandchildren are going to eat? Make yourself credible, talk to your audience to educate them not preach to them and what I feel is the most important is, give us information on how we can really help.

    Love you guys, Steve

    1. Thanks for the feedback, Steve-O.

      We are getting there. We can only write so much in a given day ;) I think I might postpone the Monsanto article and write one about the specific things everyone can do to take action right now.

      Are you sure you read the GMO article fully? If you don't think the facts of the matter provide all the reason you need to wake up and want to stop what is happening, I honestly don't know what else to tell you. Without exaggerating, we are being slowly poisoned to death. Is not the life of you and your loved ones reason enough to want to put a stop to this?

      I do present both sides of the story, but it is obviously in a manner that is more on the side of our health and liberty. I do address the "benefits" of fluoride, and the "mission" of Monsanto. Could you provide me some more specific examples of what you'd like to see? I'll be getting around to whose in bed with who and whose corrupt - there are MANY articles to come.

      We're not here to preach at you, but to get you asking questions. Engage and discuss with us. We aren't here to spoon feed you everything, either. I link to many sources and articles, but the thing I really want everyone to do is do some digging on their own. Don't rely on me to tell you how it is - go out and find out on your own. It's a constant process of discovery and learning for all of us. You can teach me just as much as I can teach you.

    2. Some of your terms need clarification. I don't know what you mean by "mind" control. Do you mean to say that behavior is influenced by media and this you are calling "mind" control?

      Incidentally, I am not sure what you mean by "control" either. You seem to oscillate between control as synonymous with influence or mislead, and control as godlike power to induce submission.

      Finally, I am not sure that the argument that information played down is the same thing as total control, or even a lie. As one semi familiar with the editorial process, the newspaper, like any other business, prints what they think will sell. Even an event that might appear monumentally important to you or I will receive almost 0 attention from any major new outlet. However, this may be nothing more than an attempt to cater to the consumer, rather than a deliberate concealing of information. Best to be parsimonious with these kind of accusations, or else you sound like a crazy person ;)

      Walk out some of your terms a little more clearly and be careful to structure your arguments cohesively and consistently and you will draw more attention. This looks like a conspiracy theory hub right now. If that's what your going for then keep it up. If not then I hope my recommendations will be useful for you.

    3. Thanks, Scott. I will definitely take your feedback into consideration.

      In this article, the terms "mind control" and the undue influence to which you refer are indeed one and the same. If you are constantly bombarded by the same messages that promote a given agenda, most peoples' brains invariably adopt said agenda. Hence the undue influence directly causes their opinions to be controlled.

      Incidentally, the demeaning terms "conspiracy theory" and "conspiracy theorist" are on record as having been created by the CIA back in the JFK assassination days. These terms were specifically created as an easy label to slap on someone you wanted to immediately discredit, regardless of the validity of the facts they were trying to present. I prefer the term "Conspiracy Researcher." Most of what I learn and share has a solid basis in fact, not mere theory. I try to link to as many supporting sources as I can to back up my claims. I also strongly encourage you to do some digging on your own.

    4. I appreciate your thoughtful response.

      We have a fundamental disagreement about the nature of environmental stimuli and their control over behavior, and the the role of verbal behavior is neglected. This is a discord at the level of assumptions and thus cannot be resolved. That is, we all react to our given set of assumptions (described nicely by Stephen Pepper, 1970), none of them are "correct," because they are assumptions, but they are different, and disagreements are likely to ensue.

      I am fine with the term conspiracy researcher if that is the term you prefer. I can certainly appreciate the desire to avoid the unpleasant baggage that can come from terms with a pejorative history. I assume then that the mission of this blog is to be a conspiracy research hub?

    5. You should do some digging on a CIA program called MK ULTRA. It might just interest you :)

      This blog is intended to be much more than a conspiracy research hub. I would call it a "relevant fact" hub. I try to bring out facts that are relevant to Liberty, fitness, food, and really anything that is interesting and affects you and I.
