Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Bare Necessities of Firearm Safety

There are probably a million articles out there covering the topic of firearm safety, but a blog about Liberty wouldn't be complete if it weren't mentioned here.  If you are going to take up the means to defend yourself against any aggressor, you must be versed in using those means.  Which means, you must practice.

But before you ever pick up a gun, there are a few things you must sear into your mind.  Failure to follow proper safety procedures is the overwhelming cause of accidents involving firearms.  Much like a band saw, you must know how to handle the tool to ensure you don't lose a finger, or worse.

The basics of gun safety are extremely simple.  In order of importance (to this author), they are as follows:

1) Trigger Discipline.  Never put your finger inside the trigger guard when you are simply holding your firearm.  The only time your finger should ever touch that trigger is in the moments before you pull it.  For me, it is most natural to rest my trigger finger along the side of the gun, just above or across the guard.  See the photo at the beginning of this article for an example.

2) The Gun Is Always Loaded.  Even if it's not.  Always treat your guns as if they are prepared to fire on the next squeeze of the trigger, even if you just removed the magazine and cleared the chamber.  Which leads into the next item...

3) Never Aim at Something You Don't Intend to Destroy.  Always be sure you are pointing the end of your firearm in a safe direction.  Don't muzzle sweep your best friend's legs - it makes them nervous, and could end in tragedy.

4) Always be Sure of Your Target.  And what's behind it.  Most gun ranges have a huge berm of earth piled up behind the target area to soak up discharged bullets.  You never want to set up a target a quarter mile from your neighbor's house with nothing to halt your plinkers between you and them.

That's it - now you know the bare necessities of gun safety.  Obviously, there is a whole lot more to learn about the various firearms out there, but no matter what you have, these rules will always apply.  Next, it's up to you to get out there and make damn sure you know how to use your weapon, should the need arise.  Remember to exhale as you squeeze (rather than "jerk") the trigger!

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