Saturday, June 25, 2016

Can We Agree?

I have a proposition for you.  Something I hope we can agree on.

It goes like this: I won't use violence against you if you won't use violence against me.  In fact, I won't even use some face in a suit who sits at his perch in the District of Criminals as an agent or excuse to use violence against you.  At least, that is, if you agree not to do the same.

Heck, I won't even use violence against your neighbor, even if they are a little bit inconsiderate sometimes.  They don't deserve to be harmed just because they're a bit of a prick.

Can we agree on this?  Because if we can, there's really nowhere we can't go.  And quite honestly, if we can agree to this, it really won't matter what the sociopaths who fancy themselves our "rulers" do.  They can make all the ludicrous demands they want - if you and I agree not to harm one another on their behalf, the fact that they want power and war and death and control won't matter.

If we can't: Why not?  Under what circumstances - other than self defense or defense of other - do you think it is okay to use force on one another?  I'm seriously open to suggestions.  These ideas would probably be interesting to contemplate.

“I'm not scared of the Maos and the Stalins and the Hitlers.
I'm scared of the thousands of millions of people that hallucinate them to be 'authority,' and so do their bidding, and pay for their empires, and carry out their orders.
I don't care if there's one looney with a stupid moustache. He's not a threat if the people do not believe in 'authority'.”  -Larken Rose

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