Tuesday, March 4, 2014

It's Not a Democracy, Stupid!

In recent discussions about liberty, self-ownership, and non-aggression, a common misconception has been rearing its head: "We live in a democracy, so you're ruled by your fellow voters."  Democracy, as pointed out by the photo on the left, is like two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.

What we are really supposed live in is a Constitutional Republic with a democratic election process.  The idea is supposed to be the protection of individual rights - the slight majority cannot vote itself the rights and property of the vast minority.
  • Because of my First Amendment, a home-owner's association cannot legally forbid me from flying an American flag in my front yard, nor can an entity like the IRS restrict my ability to share my message with the rest of the country.  Similarly, the government cannot force me to forsake my religious beliefs in the name of health care.
  • Because of my Second Amendment, my right to protect myself and my family with firearms is not up for discussion, no matter how much fear and propaganda people want to believe.
  • Because of my Fourth Amendment, my property cannot legally be permanently removed from my possession on mere suspicion of wrongdoing, nor can my vehicle be stopped and searched at a police checkpoint without probable cause.
  • Because of my Fifth Amendment, I cannot legally be required to provide information that could incriminate myself.
  • Because of my Sixth Amendment, I cannot legally be thrown in a cage without ever being given a trial by a jury of my peers.
These (and many other) examples hold true no matter what vote the majority makes.  Inevitably, people argue that "this is the way things are."  After all, HOAs frequently violate free speech.  To this day, the IRS is restricting certain groups with dissenting political ideologies from participating in the debate.  Gun rights have been under relentless assault on both the state and Federal level, particularly with the overused cry of "For the children!"  The NSA is spying on every single American's phone calls, emails, and social media posts.  The IRS requires you to submit a document each year that could land you in prison if you make even one mistake.  And people are indefinitely detained without a trial by our own government all the time, often merely on the suspicion of "terrorist" involvement.

It's true.  This is the way things are today.  And that is exactly the problem.

We still have some semblance of the freedoms our forefathers paid for in blood, but they're diminishing every day.  When you shrug your shoulders and dismiss the person trying to get you to question this reality, you are doing exactly what we have all been bred to do.  From the moment you hit the public school system, you've been taught to sit down, shut up, and blindly obey authority figures.  Blind obedience is rewarded while any questioning that challenges the status quo is punished.  You have no right to free speech and no right to privacy.  It is in this environment of intense indoctrination that we spend our most impressionable years.  And it is because of this indoctrination that so many Americans choose to sit idly on the sidelines while their freedoms are systematically removed.  It was Adolph Hitler who said "The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions.  In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed."

So if you choose to sit on the sidelines, that unfortunate choice is yours to make.  This fight truly needs you in it.  I only ask you do the rest of us a favor: When you see people like me fighting to reclaim the freedoms we are losing, continue to sit on the sidelines.  Don't hand us over to your masters with hope of praise or table scraps.

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