Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Message to Senator Dianne Feinstein (D - California)

You can send Senator Feinstein a message of your own at https://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/e-mail-me.

Dear Senator Feinstein,

I've seen you officially denouncing Edward Snowden as having "violated his Oath to defend the Constitution."  Can you please explain how you can credibly make claims about any other person violating this Oath?  Isn't this the same Oath you took when you were sworn into office?  Yet you have done everything you can to completely void the 2nd and 4th Amendments to the Constitution, not to even mention your support of grossly unconstitutional legislation like Obamacare.  To use your own words: "Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em all in!" and "It's called protecting America."

There are a few things I'm not sure you understand.  Firstly, when you swore your Oath to defend, protect, and preserve the Constitution of the United States of America, this did not mean you got to pick and choose which parts you liked and which you wanted to sweep under the rug.  This meant you swore to defend, protect, and preserve every single part of it.  Secondly, subjecting all Americans to an unprecedented spy state and regularly violating our 4th Amendment Rights is doing anything but "protecting" us.  Thirdly, in regard to your stance on "Mr. and Mrs. America," the hypocrisy of your efforts is blatant and offensive.  It is yet another issue in which you have zero credibility; how is it that you can have your own permit to carry a concealed weapon and a repertoire of armed security personnel, but you would deny this Constitutionally guaranteed right to those you clearly view as your subjects?

Ma'am, If anyone here has violated an oath, it is you.

I feel I must add: I am happy I no longer count myself among your Californian constituents.  Unfortunately, the efforts you continue to make in government still have a negative impact on me.

The moral of my message to you today is this: We the People see you for what you are.  We the People will no longer be subjected to your particular brand of tyranny.  We the People have had enough, and our voices will be heard.

Good day to you,

Jordan Suwinski

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

1 comment:

  1. Subsequent letter to Senator Rand Paul:

    Dear Senator Paul,

    I'm not sure how often you get mail thanking you and your father for all that you do, but I wanted to express my gratitude. It's hard to live in America today where most of our "elected" representatives want nothing to do with the well-being of We the People.

    I just finished sending Senator Dianne Feinstein a letter addressing the blatant and offensive hypocrisy she has demonstrated in office, and it got me thinking about the phenomenal job the Pauls have done in the name of Liberty and We the People. We truly need more voices in government that echo your call.

    I just wanted to personally send you some words of encouragement. Keep it up - we've got your back.


    Jordan Suwinski
